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My trail above the Lake Chabot.

What is an organic lifestyle? It could have completely different meanings from person to person. For me, an Organic Lifestyle is a choice. I choose to know what farms my food comes from. I make a choice to not ingest synthetic chemicals. I choose to support local farmers and keep my money in California. I choose to be as healthy as possible. I am choosing piece of mind and a longer, healthy, happier life. Organic Lifestyle is a choice. It’s your choice and it’s my choice. The next time someone asks you “Why do you eat organic?” ask them why they don’t? When they ask why organic food is more expensive, ask them why conventional food is so cheap. The most influential vote you can make is with where you spend your money and nobody wants to waste money.

While Wayne was working on this week’s menu we’re constantly analyzing the process and the choices of exactly what we will put in each box. Should we go with one giant peach or two smaller ones? Cantaloupe since they are the first we’ve seen this season or a head of lettuce since we don’t yet have any leafy greens? Many questions, tradeoffs, and choices to determine during the course of the menu creation.

How is our menu then? Overwhelmingly the feedback has been positive. However, our menu revolves around what is in season and changes week to week, month to month. Our menu revolves around You! Wayne and I want to know what you think each week. That is why he has created an extremely complex and confusing survey. It is a smiley face or a frowny face. We consistently try to create the BEST menu that is possible. A menu perfect for that time and place of existence, and we need your input to make it as perfect as possible. Thought the corn was less than spectacular or the best corn you have ever had? Let us know. Thought the oranges were to green? Let us know. Want us to create a box that is perfect for your juice diet? Let us know! This is a two=way relationship between all of you, and us, and right now it’s a pretty good relationship 🙂

This week we have our first California cucumbers of the season from ALBA Organics in Watsonville, CA. It is always exciting for us to get the first harvest of the season and to make that available for all of our customers. Also this week we have Calyx tomatoes from T&D Willey’s farm in Madera, CA. Now these tomatoes are expensive but I have high hopes and can’t wait to try them for myself.

Speaking of tomatoes, did you know the green pointy stem that sticks out of the top of the tomato and has the little green pointy leaves around it is called the Calyx? Wierd huh?

Site improvements this week include a new easy to use and much prettier on the eyes Marketplace. When you login it can be found just below your order on the home screen.

Another big upgrade, and one in which we are very excited to finally have completed, is our Farm Page. Now you can see info on all the farms we buy from, how many miles your food traveled, and their website info, if they have a website. I think this is just fantastic! The fruits and veggies for the week even show up on the farm page so you can easily see where your food is coming from. Simply Awesome.

If any of you are interested in receiving fresh organic fruit at your office please let me know. We have a few businesses that provide their employees with our fruits instead of donuts or junk food. We are happy to supply you what you need and we feel good to have a part in spreading healthiness around the bay!

REMINDER: Please leave your box out for our driver to pick-up. We reuse the good ones and recycle the not-good ones. Every little bit helps. 😉

Don’t forget that this weekend is SF Pride! A perfect time to show your support of human rights and do some unique people watching. Jen and I will be there on Sunday.

Thanks again to all of you. We hope you enjoy the menu and have a safe weekend!


Corey and Wayne

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What a great reception from everyone on our Cherryvale Farms easy to use baking mixes. So far the the responses have been very positive.

Longtime GGO customer Lauren Do was kind enough

to write a review on the Everything But The…Zucchini she received last week.

Here she is in her own words:

So good and so delicious!  Super easy to bake up.   I added a little
more zucchini that the box called for and still came out beautifully.

Box makes more than the 12 on the packaging.

If you decide to sell, you may want to make a note that the zucchini
mix is not sweet — like most zucchini bread recipes are — this one
is savory but really tasty.


-Lauren Do


Thank you Lauren for the review!


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What a beautiful week! The weather was HOT, records were broken around the Bay, and the summer solstice, also known as the longest day of the year, isn’t even until next Wednesday! Not a great thing considering the climate change crisis but great for a nice Saturday motorcycle ride with my girlfriend Jen through the back roads of Marin!

Jen and I at Point Reyes Station!

Please help by doing your part to cut emissions and conserve resources. Turn of lights and appliances that aren’t in use. Ride that bike to work, carpool, and wear those jeans two or three times before washing them! I would bet money that most of you are already doing those things anyway but we can always do a bit more to help the environment and our future generations by setting a good example for our friends, family, and community. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

I heard some good news come in this morning! and other groups have successfully collected the more than 500,000 signatures required to get the chance for California voters to vote on whether genetically modified foods should be labeled or not. The secretary of state certified the measure this week for the November ballot! Please pass the word and encourage your friends and family to vote to pass the new law in the Fall. If it passes California will be the first state to require labeling of foods that contain genetically modified organisms, or GMO’s. Check out the full story on our Facebook feed here.

Also this week our buddy Kasper Koczab visited us from the East Bay Express to help us with what we have to do to be recognized in their yearly Best of the East Bay issue.

Getting a “Best Of” is quite an accomplishment and Wayne and I are working hard to get the word out to everyone to vote for Golden Gate Organics for Best New Business and also as a write in for Best Delivery Service. You can vote here. You are required to vote for 20 different ‘Best Of’ categories which at first seemed like a lot but after I voted I realized that there are quite a few businesses, bars, bartenders, coffee shops, barbers, Farmer’s Markets, parks, etc that I frequent on a regular basis and it was actually pretty easy. I was able to sensibly vote on many more than the minimum 20. So pretty please with organic cherries on top vote for us! It would mean so much for Wayne and I and GGO! We will not be able to do it without all our loyal and wonderful customers.

On a special note; I have a soft-spot in my heart for my dad and in honor of him and all the other dads out there I have a special Father’s Day coupon code THANKSDAD that is good for 20% off any box. Tell your dad he needs to eat better so he’ll be around for many more Father’s Days to come and have him sign-up! Not to mention that eating less red-meat and more veggies helps lower chances of heart disease!.

This week’s recipe: Grilled Zucchini and Squash

It is one of my favorites!

Thanks everyone and have safe and happy weekend!

Corey and Wayne

Corey is a little bit loco!

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It’s a good day when you can have your zucchini and eat your zucchini bread too!

We’re excited to announce Cherryvale Farms baking mixes are now available in your weekly box.

Corey is a little bit loco!

Taste the zucchini flavor! Ponder over my art!

If you ever have a craving for fresh baked breads or muffins with all natural organic ingredients then this is your chance to satisfy it! Now you have a convenient option of pairing our weekly selection of fresh organic fruits and veggies with your choice of bread and muffin mixes to make delicious home-baked treats without all the fuss and mess!

There is no freeze-dried or powdered fruits or veggies in these mixes. They know and we know what a good organic vegetable and fruit taste like and know that you do too! They encourage the use of only the freshest, best quality fruits and vegetables you can find and that is why Wayne and I think that this is a perfect fit for our customers!

My friend Lindsey Rosenberg and her family spent years perfecting these recipes and the results are spectacular! Their mixes help tie-in the fresh organic produce perfectly and are a wonder to be eaten.

Curious? Read all about them on their website or read about it on the Everything but the… Blog. HERE!

Thanks Lindsey!

Posted by & filed under delivery, organic produce, produce report.


What a great looking spread of veggies and fruit this morning from the farms! Not to mention all the drivers are all out on their delivery routes ahead of schedule this morning.
It was a good morning unpacking the cases of produce, opening up those boxes, and smelling those delicious sunkist oranges at 5:06 am. It made me smile.There were giant heads red leaf lettuce, hulking bunches of bright orange carrots, and the cutest little bananas! It is quite a surprise from week to week to see how big (or small) the produce varies. The blueberries looked like small blue grapes and will make those of you who added them to your orders very happy! I forgot to order extra for myself! What was I thinking? My hopes and dreams of blueberry pancakes and mimosa’s this Saturday have been dashed.
All in all this weeks shipment of produce was great! Thank you to everyone who purchased a box this week! Your business is greatly appreciated especially as we inch closer and closer to our one year anniversary in July! Wow, it has almost been a year. Time flies.

Thanks again to all of you who make this possible for Wayne and I. Please spread the word about us and don’t forget to have your friends use you as a reference. Once they buy two boxes you get a $10 credit. Actually, I may change that to a free box. When I get a chance to update that I will make sure to mention it on our weekly email and on the website.
As always, I am standing by at to assist ‘yall and answer any questions you should have. You may also call me at 510-982-3026. I love to chat. Just ask Alka. We talked for about 30 mins when she called last week to get more information about our organic produce service.


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Tuesday- April 17th, 6:30pm – 9pm at Frog and Fiddle, Golden Gate Organics is partnering with Frey Vineyards, America’s oldest organic winery, and Soleil’s African Cuisine to bring you a night of wine tasting 7 entertainment.

Live music by Kim Kenny & the Otherlys. Tickets are $40, by reservation only. Call the Frog at 510-522-3764 to purchase, or you can purchase tickets as additional items with your order!

April 17th, at the Frog and Fiddle in Alameda

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It’s green, usually. It looks like a little tree. Normally I would only eat the top part of it, or the head, but the base is edible too. The word broccoli comes from the Italian word broccolo and originated in Italy over 2000 years ago. That is bueno. Currently, the United States produces over 1 million tons of broccolo a year with California as the primary state of production. Yay for living close to broccoli! Living closer means a lower carbon footprint.

Ever notice that broccoli looks like cauliflower? Of course you have. Most likely when you were in elementary school and you hated vegetables. Except for Carrots and Corn. Those were good, especially with butter! I suppose you could’ve been one of those weird kids that actually liked broccoli but that’s ok. You were weird. Some kids ate glue too but let us leave that in the past. Back then I would eat broccoli if you put enough cheese on it, and told me it was glue!

Nowadays things are different. I actually love broccoli. I eat it raw, cooked, steamed, baked. I put it in salads, soups, or just as a side dish. Sometimes I still put cheese on it. Yum! Those little green trees are very high in vitamin C, K, A and fiber. Did you know that broccoli is a cool-weather plant? It grows best in a climate with average temps from 64-73 °F. Maybe that’s why it does so good here in California?

Remember: Broccoli yellow is bad. Green and even Purple are good.

Happy Broccoli Friday!

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It’s mid-March, farmers and gardeners are readying their seeds for this summer’s growing season. Chilly rains have moved across the region preparing the ground for the reception of these baby plants into the soil. The days are getting longer and summer is just around the bend. This summer is already chalking up to be one of the best in years.

If you were ever thinking of starting your own garden then this is the time! All you need are some seeds from your local greenhouse and some potting soil. Start with a small flower pot and some herbs like Basil or go bigger and try tomatoes. Growing your own food can be fun. It gets you outside and is a great conversation starter when you have visitors over. Not to mention you get to eat it!!

Stay dry and eat healthily!


Posted by & filed under organic produce, weekly update.

On Tuesday I visited an organic vineyard hidden deep in Mendocino county. It is America’s oldest and quite possibly most charming organic vineyard- Frey Vineyards.

This pioneer in organic and biodynamic farming has a magical air surrounding it, small hobbit-like buildings constructed out of recycled material from long gone vineyards of the past, and knowing and welcoming smiles from the Frey family, owners and founders of the Frey vineyard.

We spent the drizzly overcast afternoon tasting exquisite organic wines and learning about the history of the Frey vineyard and their drive to craft organic wines and blaze new paths in biodynamic farming.

We ate fresh baked sourdough bread made from stone-ground wheat that was grown on their farm. It’s a new experiment for them, trying to get the maximum potentital out of their vineyards, they have begun growing wheat in between the rows and rows of grape vines.

And it was delicious.

They have attracted attention from all over the world, including other vineyards, organic farms, and even graduate students from Norway studying bio-dynamic farming.

Talking about what it means to be organic and the general state of food today combined with the breath of fresh air that is the Frey vineyard left me energized and more excited than ever to drive on with our mission of bringing you the best in organic fruits and veggies and making organic an easy choice for anyone to make.

More on Frey later, but keep your calender clear on April 17th- we’ll be doing an all-organic wine tasting in Alameda and we’ll keep you posted on how you can get your ticket.

ON TO THE MENU! I’ve rambled long enough, so I will just say the menu is ready for you! We have lemons from Sespe Creek (which we haven’t had in a long time) and spinach from our friends over at River Dog farm that we’re very excited about.

LOTS AND LOTS OF SUBS THIS WEEK! Log in to your account and click on anything on your personal menu to see what the subs are this week, we have tons of options so you can pick and choose to make sure your box is just perfect!

Check out the website for our additional items (blueberries, strawberries, and bananas, oh my!)

Have a great weekend and eat healthy!

Your friends,

Wayne (& Corey)

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Happy New Year!

PARSNIP you glad to see me? We’re in prime time Parsnip season right now and this close relative of the “Carrot” is mild enough to chop up for a salad yet sturdy enough to be boiled, broiled, baked or stewed.

Back in the medieval days there were no such things as orange carrots, so Parsnips and Carrots were often used interchangeably. Don’t worry, we are still getting a small quantity of carrots that are available for sub & purchase! Grab a bunch and you can do your own taste test, side by side with the Parsnip.

FACEBOOK – Just to let you know, we really like to use Facebook to get info out to everyone, so if you haven’t yet, head on over to our facebook page ( and hit that little “like” button. We don’t spam, sometimes write haiku’s or share recipes, but the coolest thing is we’re able to let you know:

  • when our drivers hit the road with your box
  • the weekly produce report! This is so cool, if there are any last minute changes to the menu or your box, you can find out the why and what.
  • when we might have a bit of something extra, sometimes we’ll just ask if anyone wants a free bonus item!

NEW YEAR DEAL! – OK, we’re not going crazy (maybe a little?), but here’s a deal for you, for this week only. Have a friend that made a resolution to eat healthier? Get them to try us out and we’ll give you $20 off your next box. Fine print: Limit of, oh, say 3 friends per person, and your friend has to sign up by… next Thursday. That’s a loooot of free produce you could get.
As Always, have a fantastic weekend, keep eating healthy, and REALLY, try a Parsnip if you haven’t. Thanks for being so good looking and awesome,
Your Friends,

Wayne & Corey