What a great looking spread of veggies andĀ fruit this morning from the farms! Not to mention all the drivers are all out on their delivery routes ahead of schedule this morning.
It was a good morning unpacking the cases of produce, opening up those boxes, and smelling those delicious sunkist oranges at 5:06 am. It made me smile.There were giant heads red leaf lettuce, hulking bunches of bright orange carrots, and the cutest little bananas! It is quite a surprise from week to week to see how big (or small) the produce varies. The blueberries looked like small blue grapes and will make those of you who added them to your orders very happy! I forgot to order extra for myself! What was I thinking? My hopes and dreams of blueberry pancakes and mimosa’s this Saturday have been dashed.
All in all this weeks shipment of produce was great! Thank you to everyone who purchased a box this week! Your business is greatly appreciated especially as we inch closer and closer to our one year anniversary in July! Wow, it has almost been a year. Time flies.
Thanks again to all of you who make this possible for Wayne and I. Please spread the word about us and don’t forget to have your friends use you as a reference. Once they buy two boxes you get a $10 credit. Actually, I may change that to a free box. When I get a chance to update that I will make sure to mention it on our weekly email and on the website.
As always, I am standing by at hello@goldengateorganics.com to assist ‘yall and answer any questions you should have. You may also call me at 510-982-3026. I love to chat. Just ask Alka. We talked for about 30 mins when she called last week to get more information about our organic produce service.