Posted by & filed under organic produce, weekly update.

On Tuesday I visited an organic vineyard hidden deep in Mendocino county. It is America’s oldest and quite possibly most charming organic vineyard- Frey Vineyards.

This pioneer in organic and biodynamic farming has a magical air surrounding it, small hobbit-like buildings constructed out of recycled material from long gone vineyards of the past, and knowing and welcoming smiles from the Frey family, owners and founders of the Frey vineyard.

We spent the drizzly overcast afternoon tasting exquisite organic wines and learning about the history of the Frey vineyard and their drive to craft organic wines and blaze new paths in biodynamic farming.

We ate fresh baked sourdough bread made from stone-ground wheat that was grown on their farm. It’s a new experiment for them, trying to get the maximum potentital out of their vineyards, they have begun growing wheat in between the rows and rows of grape vines.

And it was delicious.

They have attracted attention from all over the world, including other vineyards, organic farms, and even graduate students from Norway studying bio-dynamic farming.

Talking about what it means to be organic and the general state of food today combined with the breath of fresh air that is the Frey vineyard left me energized and more excited than ever to drive on with our mission of bringing you the best in organic fruits and veggies and making organic an easy choice for anyone to make.

More on Frey later, but keep your calender clear on April 17th- we’ll be doing an all-organic wine tasting in Alameda and we’ll keep you posted on how you can get your ticket.

ON TO THE MENU! I’ve rambled long enough, so I will just say the menu is ready for you! We have lemons from Sespe Creek (which we haven’t had in a long time) and spinach from our friends over at River Dog farm that we’re very excited about.

LOTS AND LOTS OF SUBS THIS WEEK! Log in to your account and click on anything on your personal menu to see what the subs are this week, we have tons of options so you can pick and choose to make sure your box is just perfect!

Check out the website for our additional items (blueberries, strawberries, and bananas, oh my!)

Have a great weekend and eat healthy!

Your friends,

Wayne (& Corey)