The crazy thing is this seems to be contrary to the point of vegetarianism: as in, vegetarians only eat vegetables. After all, it’s in the label! However, as lifestyles evolve and the whole point behind vegetarianism advances, it becomes clear — vegetarians don’t just eat vegetables. They actually eat a lot more! And they should…. So then… Read more »
Posts Tagged: do vegetarians eat fish
Vegetarians Do Eat Fish, Because Apparently They Don’t Feel PAIN?
Yep. That’s the story. And they’re sticking to it. Of course, there’s a lot of science backing that up among other facts proving that vegetarians can, indeed, say that they eat fish without being blasphemers. Of course, many reading this want the proof. Can fish feel pain? That Is the MO of a Vegetarian, Seeing That… Read more »
Everyone Knows That Fish Is Good for You, But JUST HOW GOOD?
Who knew that this ‘meat’ was SO good for you? Ridiculously good, in fact. Fish is good for you in a lot of ways, but we’re willing to bet none of you know just how good, and aside from the fact that there are several reasons why vegetarians make a great case for eating fish (even though… Read more »
Aquaculture: Let’s Go Fishing to Uphold the Environment
Everyone knows that a pescetarian diet’s a good one — and we’re pretty sure you’ve heard of those vegetarians touting the whole fish diet as well (making a good case for it even, given the fact that fish are live animals). Some don’t even realize, though, that vegetarians do eat fish not only for the fact… Read more »