Hey there everyone…It’s been a long time! After an extended hiatus, the Golden Gate Organics blog is officially back! Woo-hoo!
Since most of you don’t know me, I want to start out by reintroducing myself and telling you a little bit about what’s going on at Golden Gate Organics. My name is Tamara Thompson, and I’m a writer/editor by profession and an organic foodie by appetite. Corey brought me on in 2013 to make sure you have plenty of interesting things to read about here, and I’m really excited about being back writing a new blog twice a month.
Corey and I have talked a lot about where we want this blog to go, and we’ve kicked around a variety of ideas for future posts — but we’ll get to all that in the weeks ahead.
For now, though, I’m thrilled that the GGO blog archive is back online and I’ve picked a dozen of my favorite posts to share with those of you who weren’t around to read them the first time. They represent a good sampling of the kinds of things you’ll find here — everything from recipes and produce tips, to thoughts about healthy eating and food/agriculture politics, to reviews of food-related books.
Take a peek and see what interests you. If you have ideas for future posts or a topic you’d like to see discussed, drop me a note at tamara@goldengateorganics.com. I’m looking forward to what you all have to say! Tamara
Sticky Business and Tomato Tattoos — All about those sticky little produce labels and the dubious solution that Big Ag is looking to replace them with.
Authentic Oaktown Greens — This is THE recipe to impress people who know from greens.
One Bite at a Time — While American culture has shaped the demand for fast food globally, fast food has in turn transformed American culture — and not for the better.
Bone Appetit! — Three original four-paw recipes for homemade dog food. Woof!
A Winner for Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner — Eggs aren’t just for breakfast anymore; easy-to-make chakchouca is the perfect anytime meal.
Eat Fresher — Of yoga mats and why the healthiest choice in fast food is still not a good one.
Artichokes, Biodiesel and the Botany of Desire — Why do we eat artichokes instead of their wild cousin cardoon, which we consider an invasive weed?
How to Save Limp Lettuce and Keep Celery Snappy — Grandma knows best when it comes to reducing food waste and getting the longest life out of fresh produce.
Velveeta, Marlboros and the Chemistry of Craving — A review of Salt, Sugar, Fat by Michael Moss, which helps make sense of why so many of us who know better still sometimes give in to the temptation of processed foods.
Sharing the Harvest — A bumper crop can be an overwhelming blessing; here’s what to do with excess tree fruit.
Food to Feed the World — How do we change a system that teaches people to prefer unhealthy foods that are cheap, ubiquitous and deeply entrenched in American culture?
Love It or Leaf It, Kale Is on the Menu — More than you ever wanted to know about the various types of kale, plus a great recipe for homemade kale chips.