Posted by & filed under gdgat, organic produce delivery, produce report, tips & tricks, weekly update.

Hello all and Happy Delivery Day!

As always the produce looked great this morning. This week was one of our most varied in produce items. We hope you all enjoy it and would love to hear some feedback!

This week’s boxes are especially awesome because we have fall squash (finally), persimmons and pineapple! YUMMM! The butternut squash are nearly the same size as the pineapple! And we cannot wait to hear how you will be using them. We found some great and healthy recipes perfect for any occasion and palate!

The pineapple are sure to be a treat. If you’ve never cut a fresh pineapple before, it may be a little intimidating. But no worries, we’ve got the How To for you! You’ll need a sharp knife and a peeler. First, you want to cut the top (leaves) and bottom off. Second, keeping it standing upright, hold the top and cut the peel away from the top down. Don’t worry about the little “eyes” leftover; use the peeler to get rid of any unwanted “eyes.” Finally, slice or chop the pineapple to your liking.

Some pineapple insight: Pineapple is high in manganese, a mineral that is critical to development of strong bones and connective tissue. A cup of fresh pineapple will give you nearly 75% of the recommended daily amount. It is particularly helpful to older adults, whose bones tend to become brittle with age.

We are also very excited about persimmons! Be sure to check out our produce spotlight on this ye olde fruit from last Friday’s blog post.

The rest of the produce is also very exciting! The oranges and grapefruit are delicious. The carrots and the rainbow chard are absolutely beautiful! We recommend eating the romaine lettuce within the next couple of days. It wasn’t our best quality, but it is still good to eat and yummy! We have notified the supplier. The bananas are a little green again this week. Like before, we suggest leaving them on the counter for a couple of days or in a brown bag with an apple overnight for speedy ripening.

Feel free to share your tips, recipes, questions and/or concerns on our Facebook page! Have something urgent? Contact us directly via e-mail and we will be sure to get back to you ASAP. We love to talk! 🙂