Posted by & filed under delivery, gdgat, organic produce, produce report.

Hello all and Happy Delivery Day!

Wayne ponders, "A small pumpkin or a huge onion?"

The produce looked amazing this morning! The sugar pie pumpkins were huge and we cannot wait to use them here at GGO! Pumpkin pie will definitely be in the works. Will you be using your pumpkin for something different? Pasta? A side dish? A Jack-o-lantern? We would love to hear about it! Share your recipes and ideas on our Facebook page!


There is a chance of rain this morning, but no worries, our delivery team is stocked with bags just in case. If you get your box before you leave this morning, be sure to bring it inside.

Be sure to visit our Facebook and Twitter pages for daily updates on GGO and all things organic!

Look at the size of the green chard this morning!