Posted by & filed under Education, Health Benefits, Healthy Business, Organic Lifestyle, Wellness.

Many companies have implemented a company-wide wellness program already and the trend is growing. Are you a Bay Area business thinking about hosting a Health and Wellness Fair for your employees? Which vendors should you invite? What are the benefits to your employees and to your company? To learn more read on or contact Golden Gate Organics for assistance.

Keep Your Wellness Fair Informational, But Also Fun!

-A Health Fair should have a relaxed environment where employees learn things about general health and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

-Consider having health screenings of all kinds available: including hearing, eyesight, blood pressure, etc. This will go a long way with getting employees interested in your fair.

-Make sure there are some fun activities available to boost camaraderie: yoga class anyone?

-Provide healthy snacks: free food is a must!


health and wellness fair - employee wellness - corporate wellness program - healthy workplace

What Kind of Vendors Should You Invite?

-Make sure you take into consideration what kind of interests your employees are focused on. Do you have a company softball team? Is anyone training for a marathon? Do your employees like yoga? These are the kinds of questions you want to consider when deciding which vendors your employees would benefit from the most.

-Vendors like massage therapists, chiropractors, and spa beauticians can make corporate Health Fairs not only worthwhile for employees but also really relaxing and enjoyable. Who doesn’t want a free massage or a mini-facial?

-Organic food vendors like Golden Gate Organics not only provide yummy snacks, information on local organic farms, cooking tips, and health education at your Health and Wellness Fair but also can encourage your employees to continue healthy eating habits by informing employees on how to use an organic produce delivery service. Also, studies have shown that people’s eating habits are greatly influenced by the people around them. Using company-wide camaraderie and contests to inspire healthy eating and greater wellness makes those choices easier for everyone to make.

health and wellness fair - employee wellness - corporate wellness program - healthy workplace

Benefits of holding a Health and Wellness Fair

For Employees:

-A Health and Wellness Fair is a great way to introduce your employees to some new or creative wellness activities that they might not even be aware of yet.

-Fairs help educate your employees about the newest trends in wellness such as the Organic Foodie Lifestyle.

-Local, organic produce vendors teach employees about their local Bay Area foodshed. Knowing where your food comes from provides security in knowing that someone reputable grew that food that you are putting in your body.

-Vendors will often offer discounted services to employees beyond the fair.

For the Company:

-Showing employees you care about their well-being is a great way to boost morale.

-Fun activities during business hours boost a sense of camaraderie and strengthen a company’s culture.

-Employees who eat healthily and exercise regularly are less likely to call out sick.

-Employers can learn about the benefits of wellness services that can support employee wellness year round with little or no cost.


Need help planning your next corporate Health and Wellness Fair in the Bay Area? Golden Gate Organics can help assess your current wellness programs, and/or design a wellness program with you from the ground up. Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to identify your definition of a successful event and how we can best ensure that your needs are cared for. At your fair, we can provide seasonal organic fruit and veggies from local organic farms to show your employees how delicious and rewarding wellness can be. Contact us today!

Posted by & filed under Disability, Education, Health Benefits, Organic Lifestyle, tips & tricks, Wellness.

Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash


Could organic food provide benefits for people with a disability?  There must be something pretty special about this type of food as its popularity continues to rise with worldwide sales of organic food reaching a staggering US$90 billion in 2016 as recorded by Statista.  It is thought organic produce may protect against some disabilities.  In particular, there has been a link with the consumption of pesticides, found in non-organic food, and learning disabilities.  This is of great significance as an estimated 8.7% of US children aged 8 to 15 have a learning disability.  Young children and pregnant women are thought to be especially sensitive to the consumption of pesticides.  The developing baby may be affected, leading to learning disabilities caused by the impairment of neurodevelopment.  Consequently, you may wish to improve your family’s diet by consuming fresh organic vegetables perhaps by signing up for a regular organic produce box.


Organic foods fight degenerative debilitating diseases

Degenerative diseases, e.g. Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, can eventually progress to a disability but can be mitigated by a healthy diet that’s rich in antioxidants.  These can slow down oxidative stress and subsequent neurodegenerative disorders.  Organic vegetables are higher in antioxidant value than their non-organic counterparts, due to being grown more slowly and without the use of pesticides.  This leads to the plants making extra antioxidants as a defence against pests.

For example, kale is particularly beneficial being a good source of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.  Children may prefer equally beneficial but sweeter veggies such as beetroot, which can be roasted into chip shapes, and homegrown peas.   Those who have degenerative disorders will find that the nutrient-rich organic vegetables delay the need to use a wheelchair or scooter.  Furthermore, organically grown vegetables have been found to contain 48% less cadmium than their conventionally grown counterparts.  Cadmium is a metal which is carcinogenic so is best avoided as far as possible by us all.


Organic diet controls autism in children

Organic food has been found beneficial to children on the autistic spectrum, with Down syndrome or cerebral palsy.  Studies have shown that the biochemical pathways function sub-optimally for those with autism.  The digestive system, detoxification and immune function are all linked with the pathways.  For example, gastrointestinal symptoms are often encountered by those on the spectrum.  The biochemical pathways can be supported by a nutrient-rich diet such as organic and this can have a very positive effect on children with autism.  Choose organic, grass-fed animal products as these are more nutrient dense.


Organic is naturally the best way forward for all

With the known health benefits of organic food, everyone would benefit from a diet of organic produce.  It is hardly surprising that consuming little to no chemicals or pesticides and a higher level of nutrients, including disease-fighting antioxidants, is a better way for your health.  In addition, it certainly seems likely that the benefits could also be helpful for preventing or slowing down the onset of some disabilities.  With all these food facts to hand, organic has to be the best and most natural choice for everyone.

Posted by & filed under Healthy Business, organic produce delivery, Wellness.

There are many great benefits to having organic fruit in your office. For starters, it’s a great way to increase job satisfaction and company loyalty, while decreasing absenteeism. Potential employees, especially millennials, are greatly influenced by a company’s job perks. Oh, and in case you didn’t know: a millennial is anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 22 to 37 in 2018). Free snacks at work is a perk that has become increasingly essential and commonplace in today’s workplaces. Having healthy snacks like organic fruit delivered to your office will have a huge impact on employee productivity too!

organic fruit in your office, fruit delivery, office delivery, office snacks, healthy snacks

Delicious Granny Smith Apples


Having healthy snacks like organic fruit in your office is good for employees, good for business, and saves money.

According to USA Today, “56% of full-time employees are ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ happy with their current job. That number jumps to 67% among those who have access to free food.” Additionally, studies have shown that higher worker satisfaction directly contributes to increased productivity and improved morale even in the absence of pay raises.


Free, healthy snacks at work are very important to Millennials.

Millennials make up 33% of the work force and will make up 46% by 2020. According to, “Millennials place a lot more value in what they put into their body, educating themselves on the benefits of natural and organic foods.” Offering organic fruit in the office instead of candy might be the perk Millennials need to choose to work at your company, and to stay working at your company. But it’s not just about healthy food. Many millennials living the organic foodie lifestyle respect the earth, supporting local organic farming, and living conscientiously. Because of this millennials prefer to work for businesses aligned with their values.



Organic California Mandarins


Why should you have organic fruit in your office?

The foods you eat during the work day are a significant factor in your ability to concentrate and work efficiently. Glucose is important for proper brain functions because it facilitates the constant firing of signals between neurons. The brain is unable to store glucose and therefore requires an almost constant supply of glucose during the day.


It’s not just when you eat, but what you eat

Your brain consumes large amounts of glucose when dealing with mentally challenging work and low glucose levels can lead to cognitive impairment. If you’re not providing your brain with the energy it needs to function properly throughout the day your productivity levels can be seriously impaired. Keeping organic fruit in your office is a great way for your employees to have quick, easy access to the healthy source of glucose they need to stay happy and productive.


Simply having snacks available is great, but the type of snack is important as well. 

Grabbing a bag of chips during that afternoon slump can give your brain a needed energy boost, but not all energy sources are created equal. For example, organic apples, oranges and bananas are not only portable and easily stored on a countertop, they also have great nutritional benefits. Fresh raw fruits are full of vitamins and fiber and are also mostly water, which helps your body stay hydrated. Providing organic fruit in the office allows employees to make better choices when it comes to reaching for that mid-morning or afternoon snack. This leads to decreased absenteeism as employees who maintain healthy diets are 27% less likely to call out sick.


Make it a no-brainer

See pricing and options for healthy office fresh organic fruit deliveries from Golden Gate Organics, or click below to if you are ready to move forward. Providing organic fruits as an office snack makes your employees happier, healthier and more productive. Who doesn’t want that?



Cities We Deliver Fruit To

Richmond, CA

Posted by & filed under co-op dropsite, Healthy Business.

Welcome Harker Employees!

Golden Gate Organics is proud to partner with Progressive Benefits Group to offer our CSA dropsite program to all Harker faculty and staff.

The dropsite program allows us to deliver locally grown organic produce directly to your campus each week, at a savings to you. As a Harker employee, your first order is 50% off with discount code HARKER and all subsequent orders receive 10% off. Participating in this program is easy, just follow the steps at the bottom of the page to sign up.


How It Works

Your sustainable produce orders are delivered to your co-op location (campus) every Monday. Each Thursday we will send you an email with the seasonally local organic produce that will be in your delivery on Monday. You will have Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to log into your account to make substitutions and customize your order so you only get exactly what you want.

During that time you may also add or skip an upcoming delivery. In fact, you may add or skip deliveries from your account calendar up to three months in advance. For example, if you will not be at the school during a vacation or summer break then you can easily skip deliveries during that time and schedule to begin receiving them again on a specific week. Moreover, when you create your account you will have the opportunity to add items to your do-not-like list. This way those items will automatically be substituted out of your order before you even receive the weekly email.

csa wellness program


How to Sign Up

To take advantage of your savings and begin eating healthy go to and enter your zip code. Then enter your name, email, and address. Make sure to click that you are joining a co-op. Then enter your Private Co-op campus name: Harker Pre-School, Harker Lower School, Harker Middle School, or Harker Upper School. It will look like the following:



Next, be sure to enter the coupon code “HARKER” to get half off your first delivery! Finally, on the next page choose your box size and delivery frequency. But don’t worry, you can customize these options and many more at anytime from you account. And, if you have questions on which size or options are right for you please give us a call at 510-698-9446 or email us at We would be delighted to provide some extra care and help you choose the right option for your lifestyle.


Where to Find Your Delivery

Pre-School – Delivered to Shipping and Receiving.

Lower School – Delivered to front office

Middle School – Delivered to Shipping and Receiving

Upper School – Delivered to Shipping and Receiving


We Are Here to Support Your Wellness

If at anytime you need any help, assistance, or have any questions please feel free to contact us through our website, 510-698-9446, or email us at and allow us to give you the care you deserve. For onsite support please contact Tani Gavron, HR Benefits and Wellness Manager, at 408-553-5779. Thank you.


With Care,

Corey Tufts, Founder/CEO Golden Gate Organics



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Local Organic Fruit Availability

Yesterday and today I’ve been eating so many delicious Strawberries! We have more this week for you too. As the days get longer more sunlight means more delicious summertime fruits coming into season. The strawberries this week from Tomatero Organic Farm are the best of the three local farms with availability. The red color is nice which means they are getting plenty of sunlight and not too much hot weather. The rich red color is also a tell-tale sign of abundant antioxidants too. The blueberries from Homegrown Organic Farms were big, plump, and juicy last week and that should be the same this week too. I can’t wait. Blueberries and strawberries, and mangoes, are my favorite fruits. We also have a limited supply of amazing mangoes from Mexico but this time they will be Ataulfo mangoes which are a little smaller but just as tasty. The California mangoes will not be ready until the end of summer as they need a ton of time in the sun to grow and ripen. But when they are ready I will have them for you like we did last summer!

By request we also have Meyer Lemons from Marsalisi Organics in Watsonville. Valencia oranges and Gold Nugget mandarins are available again this week as well as some very nice sized grapefruits for all you grapefruit lovers out there. The citrus season is quickly winding down so please savor these delicious bursts of juicy flavor while you can. Stone fruit season is just around the corner though. Next, we have the best California Hass Avocados in most of the boxes this week. Finally, we have some Harper Melons this week fresh out of Mexico. These are crunchier than cantaloupe but still have the orange flesh. I’ve been told this is the sweetest of all the melons too. California melons should be starting in the next few weeks and we are very excited for that!


Local Organic Veggie Availability


The zucchini from last week was a little big but I thought it was otherwise pretty good for the second week of the California zucchini season. Much more ahead! Yellow ginger is available again. For those that love ginger this is as fresh as you can get it without picking it yourself. Red Garnett sweet potatoes are back this week too. We also have a limited supply of cucumbers and Yellow Peppers from mexico which you might enjoy as a substitute for a more local item. Asparagus is going strong and is available to purchase if you love it as much as I do. How about these artichokes lately? Most of the Small Family size boxes have one this week. The farm they come from, Spade & Plow Organics in San Martin, which is just before Gilroy. Owned and farmed by Mike and his two sons, Nick and Sam, they have their own CSA program at the farm but work with us to share their ridiculously awesome artichokes in the Bay Area. If you haven’t tried their artichokes then you are definitely missing out on some of the best local organic produce from one of the smallest farms in the area!


Interested In Seasonal Organic Produce From Local Farms?

Join Golden Gate Organics organic produce delivery service for an exceptional produce experience and for farm fresh seasonal produce that is as local as seasonally possible.

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Owners of Marsalisi Organics from left to right: Steve, Palo, and Louis

Curious About Marsalisi Organics?

Marsalisi Organics
Address: 800 Meadowridge Road, Watsonville CA 95076
Phone: 831-763-9805

Steve and Louis Marsalisi are brothers who retired to farm lemons, avocados, and limes. Their farm is located in Watsonville, California and they are certified organic with the CCOF. The brothers are known for allowing their fruits to ripen on the tree thus allowing the full flavor and sweetness to develop. This makes a huge difference in the quality and taste of their fruits. Since it is a quick drive to the Bay Area from Watsonville, the freshest and best local organic Meyer lemons come from them. The love and care that they give to their seasonal and local fruits is clear once you taste their delicious harvests.

Golden Gate Organics delivers certified organic Meyer Lemons grown by Marsalisi Organics. Sign up for a farm fresh delivery of organic produce. For inquiries on bulk Meyer lemon purchases within the San Francisco Bay Area please contact us.

Marsalisi Organics works with other local produce distributors such as Mariquita Farm, Earl’s Organic Produce, and Veritable Vegetable. You can find their local organic avocados through Good Eggs.

For those that don’t know, Meyer lemons are a special breed of lemon that are a cross between a traditional lemon and a mandarin. The result is a lemon that is not as sour or tart yet full of sweetness and unique taste. These types of lemons were made famous by renown Bay Area chef Alice Waters and later by Martha Stewart.

Visit our Northern California organic farm page to learn about all the local organic farms we support throughout the seasons.

Posted by & filed under Education, organic.

Fresh produce is loaded with nutrients that are necessary for good health. Organic foods in particular have extra nutrients because of the soil they are are grown in. Additionally, it can be helpful to classify the common nutrients found in organic produce into two categories: vitamins and minerals. Eating a variety of organic fruits and vegetables can ensure that your body is getting the vitamins and minerals that it needs on a daily basis, as recommended by Read on for a quick guide to the benefits of common nutrients found in organic produce.

5 Common Vitamins Found in Organic Produce

Vitamins are organic compounds that contain certain atoms. They are needed in small quantities to sustain life. Most vitamins need to come from food because the human body either doesn’t produce enough or any at all.

Vitamin A or Beta-Carotine

Beta-carotene is converted to Vitamin A in your liver. Vitamin A isn’t produced by your body and therefore must be obtained from food sources. Beta-carotene is also a pigment that adds colors to tomatoes, fruits, dark leafy veggies and some types of seafood. It is beneficial for your eyes, teeth and skin.

Good Sources

Carrots, broccoli, sweet potato, kale, spinach, pumpkin, collard greens, apricots, tomatoes, cantaloupe, leeks


Vitamin B1 or Thiamine

Thiamine is also know as Vitamin B1. Thiamine aids proper immune function, iron absorption and energy production. It also aids digestion and may help fight stress and prevent memory loss.

Good Sources

Asparagus, kale, cauliflower, potatoes, oranges, leeks


Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin

Riboflavin, or Vitamin B2, is needed for overall good health. It helps the body break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats to produce energy. Riboflavin helps blood cells convert oxygen to be used by the body and is also important for eye health.

Good Sources

Asparagus, bananas, persimmons, okra, chard, green beans, leeks


Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant. It helps strengthen blood vessels, skin elasticity, and iron absorption. Vitamin C also helps to repair and regenerate tissues.

Good Sources

Leeks, carrots, collard greens, kiwi, papaya, cantaloupe, pineapple, mango, strawberries, brussel sprouts


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced by the body as a response to sun exposure, but can also be consumed in food. It is essential for strong, healthy bones and teeth. It also supports the immune system, brain and nervous system. Vitamin D helps regulate insulin levels and supports lung and cardiovascular health. Perhaps most importantly, Vitamin D helps the body retain calcium.

Good Sources

Shiitake mushrooms, fortified orange juice


7 Common Minerals Found in Organic Produce

Minerals are elements in their simple, inorganic form. They play an essential role in the body’s metabolic functions and growth. You might remember these from the periodic table of elements hanging on the wall in your high school science class.


Potassium helps regulate fluid balance. It controls the electrical activity of the heart and other muscles. It also helps maintain acid/alkaline balance in the blood.

Found in:

Leeks, bananas, carrots, avocado



Calcium is essential for healthy heart muscles. It initiates DNA synthesis, maintains bone health and strong teeth. Calcium also relieves arthritis and helps lower high blood pressure.

Found in:

Bananans, carrots, broccoli, spinach, collard greens



Iron helps transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. It is essential for building muscle and maintaining healthy blood. Iron also helps maintains healthy hair, skin and nails.

Found in:

Bananas, potato, peaches, broccoli, spinach



Phosphorus maintains heart regularity, provides energy and aids in metabolism of fats and starches. Potassium also helps boost brain function. It can help soften skin, and strengthen teeth, hair and bones.

Found in:

Leeks, banans, potatoes, portabella mushrooms, edamame



Folate is the natural form of vitamin B9 found in a variety of plant and animal foods. It helps prevent heart disorders, stroke, and cancer. Folate also helps build muscles, and provides relief from mental and emotional disorders.

Found in:

Leeks, spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, avocado



Sulfur is required for the proper structure of enzymes and helps the body absorb Vitamin B and biotin. It can help with detoxification and also aids proper insulin function. Sulfur also has antibiotic properties.

Found in:

Leeks, arugula, cauliflower, kale, radishes, turnips, broccoli, bok choy



Magnesium is important for regulating calcium, potassium and sodium levels. It helps with mental development, digestion of fats and nutrient absorption. Magnesium also helps increase energy and helps calms nerves and anxiety.

Found in:

Carrots, pumpkin, spinach, artichokes


Other Common Nutrients found in organic produce

While not considered a vitamin or mineral, these common nutrients found in organic produce play a vital role in maintaining balanced health.


Inulin is a soluble fiber that helps nourish gut bacteria. It is also considered a prebiotic, an ingredient that increases the activity of beneficial microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.

Found in:

Sunchokes, asparagus, onions, jicama, garlic


Dietary Fiber

Fiber is type of carbohydrate found in plants. It helps you feel full longer and aids in digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

Found in:

Artichokes, pears, spinach, apples, oranges, sweet potatoes, berries



To ensure that you are getting enough of these common nutrients found in organic produce, try living the organic foodie lifestyle and eat the rainbow every day!

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Organic foodie events showcase new products and help consumers learn about seasonal combinations. Organic sales in the U.S. total over $47 billion a year, which now accounts for more than five percent of food sales in total. With a growing interest in using and consuming organic produce, how can you run your own foodie event? What makes a successful foodie event? And why is it important for you community?

Hashtag your event 

As with ‘growing’ anything you have to know your product and your audience. Then you have to gel these two understandings together. How you speak about an event is important to your audience. If you are going to provide high quality, local produce in specific combinations aimed at educated foodies- portraying that is key. Creating a buzz about your event is important as it maximizes your exposure and helps with your organizing. One event, at Treehaus cafe and food market in Manhattan, went viral after visitors started using the hashtag #LiveOrganic and others posted highlights of the event on social media. Be organized with your event management, be proactive by engaging influencers and be authentic. Once started, the organic produce will speak for itself.

Grow your community organically

Foodie events are the best way to discover new products and build a community. Every year, approximately 90,000 people attend the Eat Real Festival in Oakland, CA which brings people together to taste and experience ‘real’ food. It’s mission is to ‘increase public respect’ for good food. Holding a foodie event brings together local produce, investment in time and resources under the umbrella of being passionately interested in food. Growing a foodie community is more than just growing a community that is interested in local sustainable produce that fills a hunger need. A foodie community can travel vast areas to indulge their passions, they will tweet about your event, post photos and return time and time again because of loyalty and interest.

Combining locally sourced ingredients, having demonstrations that build knowledge and peak interest will enhance the day and make it memorable as well as adding value to the experience.

The fastest growing area of the U.S food industry is organic food sales. The growth rate outstrips the growth rate for the overall food market. Some areas of the United States are considered ‘hot spots’ for organic growing. Holding a foodie event in a hot spot is a successful idea, it will showcase a variety of organic produce as well as promote the local area, with participants returning time and time again.

Posted by & filed under Education, organic produce, tips & tricks.

I remember the first time I tasted a Sunchoke, and I was amazed that I had never heard of this fabulous food before. Nutritious and tasty, these tantalizing tubers are known by many names: Jerusalem artichoke, sunroot, earth apple, topinambour. Are you curious to learn more about these fascinating vegetables? Read on to find out just what IS a Sunchoke?


What IS a Sunchoke?

Sunchokes look like ginger, can be cooked like a potato, and taste like an artichoke. Sunchokes are the roots of a species of sunflower. They have a light-beige to tan colored skin and a crisp, juicy, ivory-colored flesh. When raw, they have a texture similar to chestnuts and a sweet nutty flavor. You can find sunchokes year-round from local organic farms in Northern California such as Coke Farms. Look for them peaking in fall and early spring. In fact, it’s always good to know where your food comes from. Find out why here.

Why should you eat a Sunchoke?

These riveting roots are chocked (or should i say choked?) full of nutrients like iron, potassium, thiamin and phosphorus. Largely, the nutritional value of organic vegetables comes from the soil and that matters. Also, sunchokes are low-calorie, high in fiber and low-starch which are great for your digestive system! Like most foods eating them raw is best because of all the amazing benefits. Finally, Sunchokes are incredibly versatile, and can be used in place of almost any root vegetable like carrots, celery root,  parsnips, or turnips.

How do you eat a Sunchoke?

Sunchokes can be eaten raw (and you should be eating more raw foods anyway!) sliced up in salads, baked, boiled or pureed into a soup. To prepare, scrub under running water to remove the thin skin. Then slice, or mash as you would a potato. Sunchokes will keep in the refrigerator for up to a month if wrapped in plastic. Try these healthy Homemade Baked Sunchoke Chips  or this vegetarian Roasted Sunchoke Soup.

Are you ready to try this versatile tuber? Get sunchokes delivered straight to your doorstep with an organic produce delivery service like Golden Gate Organics. Sign up for the service here or, if you are curious how it works, learn more about how to use an organic produce delivery service.


Posted by & filed under delivery, organic, Organic Lifestyle, organic produce, organic produce delivery.

Northern California supports many different growing seasons at the same time due to a wide range of micro-climates. These micro-climates are created by ocean air interacting with the coastal hills and mountains. This environment lends itself to an abundance of local farms. In the Bay Area leeks are available year round, due to the mild winters. These often overlooked vegetables are packed full of nutrition, delicious to cook with and are easy to store.

So, what ARE leeks?

Leeks are alliums like onions and garlic, but unlike their bulb-shaped cousins, the leek produces a long cylinder of leafs. Bay Area leeks have a milder flavor than most onions, as yellow and red onions have higher concentrations of sulfuric compounds like pyretic acid. Leeks are high in potassium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, folate and C. They also contain sulfur which has been found to have antibiotic qualities.

How to use them

The subtle flavor of leeks is complimentary to many recipes because they don’t overpower other ingredients in the dish. The white and green portions of the stalks are used most often to add flavor to soups and stocks. The dark green, densely nutritious, leafy part can be used finely chopped in sauces and salads, as you would scallions, to provide extra flavor and nutrition. Try this simple Slow Roasted Leek recipe or this soothing Leek and Potato soup recipe.

Storage and Cleaning

Fresh leeks will keep for between one to two weeks when stored unwashed and untrimmed in the refrigerator. To clean, cut the leek lengthwise to just before the green fan and open the stalk halves under cold running water. Open each section with your fingers, allowing the water to rinse all the sand and dirt away.


Excited to try cooking with these tasty veggies? Click here to get farm-fresh, organic Bay Area leeks delivered to your doorstep.