Many companies have implemented a company-wide wellness program already and the trend is growing. Are you a Bay Area business thinking about hosting a Health and Wellness Fair for your employees? Which vendors should you invite? What are the benefits to your employees and to your company? To learn more read on or contact Golden Gate Organics for assistance.
Keep Your Wellness Fair Informational, But Also Fun!
-A Health Fair should have a relaxed environment where employees learn things about general health and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
-Consider having health screenings of all kinds available: including hearing, eyesight, blood pressure, etc. This will go a long way with getting employees interested in your fair.
-Make sure there are some fun activities available to boost camaraderie: yoga class anyone?
-Provide healthy snacks: free food is a must!
What Kind of Vendors Should You Invite?
-Make sure you take into consideration what kind of interests your employees are focused on. Do you have a company softball team? Is anyone training for a marathon? Do your employees like yoga? These are the kinds of questions you want to consider when deciding which vendors your employees would benefit from the most.
-Vendors like massage therapists, chiropractors, and spa beauticians can make corporate Health Fairs not only worthwhile for employees but also really relaxing and enjoyable. Who doesn’t want a free massage or a mini-facial?
-Organic food vendors like Golden Gate Organics not only provide yummy snacks, information on local organic farms, cooking tips, and health education at your Health and Wellness Fair but also can encourage your employees to continue healthy eating habits by informing employees on how to use an organic produce delivery service. Also, studies have shown that people’s eating habits are greatly influenced by the people around them. Using company-wide camaraderie and contests to inspire healthy eating and greater wellness makes those choices easier for everyone to make.
Benefits of holding a Health and Wellness Fair
For Employees:
-A Health and Wellness Fair is a great way to introduce your employees to some new or creative wellness activities that they might not even be aware of yet.
-Fairs help educate your employees about the newest trends in wellness such as the Organic Foodie Lifestyle.
-Local, organic produce vendors teach employees about their local Bay Area foodshed. Knowing where your food comes from provides security in knowing that someone reputable grew that food that you are putting in your body.
-Vendors will often offer discounted services to employees beyond the fair.
For the Company:
-Showing employees you care about their well-being is a great way to boost morale.
-Fun activities during business hours boost a sense of camaraderie and strengthen a company’s culture.
-Employees who eat healthily and exercise regularly are less likely to call out sick.
-Employers can learn about the benefits of wellness services that can support employee wellness year round with little or no cost.
Need help planning your next corporate Health and Wellness Fair in the Bay Area? Golden Gate Organics can help assess your current wellness programs, and/or design a wellness program with you from the ground up. Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to identify your definition of a successful event and how we can best ensure that your needs are cared for. At your fair, we can provide seasonal organic fruit and veggies from local organic farms to show your employees how delicious and rewarding wellness can be. Contact us today!