A great addition to any School Wellness Program is a guest speaker. A guest speaker is a fun, engaging way to expose children to different varieties of fruits and vegetables and also where that food comes from.
Teaching kids about healthy eating habits can include getting them more involved in choosing, preparing and maybe even growing their own fruit and vegetables. Children are more likely to choose familiar foods over unfamiliar ones. It’s important to expose them to a variety of healthy options every day!
Everyone agrees that children who have healthy habits like eating well-balanced meals and getting proper sleep and exercise perform better in school. They are more alert and better able to focus. Schools that focus on kids’ health and wellness by implementing school wellness programs see improved test scores and decreased absences.
How can a Guest Speaker supplement a school wellness program?
A guest speaker is a great supplement to any school wellness program. Speaking engagements are tailored to every school grade from preschool to high school. For example, preschool, kindergarten, and other students can touch, see, smell, and hear the difference between dozens of fresh organic fruits and vegetables brought to their assembly. All children love to hold and share the samples of their favorite produce. It is also an excellent opportunity to learn about new fruits and veggies their parents may not often cook with!
For middle school students beginning to learn the difference between organic and conventional produce is exciting! This can also tie back into an existing garden at home or school. Learning that fruits and veggies need to be part of a daily diet for good health is also essential. Older children can benefit from learning about why choosing organic produce is so important.
What are some ways to get kids more involved in their food choices?
Expose them to a variety of foods. This is what happens during one of our presentations! Kids are exposed to a wide variety of fresh organic fruits and vegetables, by having them available in the cafeteria or helping to prepare meals at home, kids are more likely to try new healthy foods when they are available. Consistency counts too! It takes on average 10-15 tries for a kid to develop a taste for a new food.
Schools gardens. Spending time in the garden encourages kids to plant, grow and harvest their own fruit and vegetables.
Show them where their food is grown. This can be through farm visits or guest speakers. Seeing produce in its natural form rather than already cut up and prepared is a fun learning experience and teaches about the impact farming methods have on the environment as well.
Cooking classes or cooking clubs. A fun way for kids to “play” with their food and learn how to prepare snacks and simple meals.
If you want more information about having a presenter come to your Bay Area school to talk about fruits, vegetables, organic farming, and healthy eating please call Golden Gate Organics at 510-698-9446 or email care@goldengateorganics.com.