Posted by & filed under organic, organic produce delivery.

And by that, I mean eat organic. While we’re home vegging out on our couches after watching the Academy Awards tonight, the celebrities over in Hollywood will be eating food that is exclusively organic and sustainable.

The dinner has been prepared for the past 17 years by chef Wolfgang Puck, and this year will be no different in its featuring of delicious dishes: spicy tuna tartar stuffed miso cones and a huge seafood buffet are only some of the options for these health-conscious stars. All the ingredients are listed on the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program, so the hungry will feel no guilt as they indulge themselves!

So why organic? One might guess that the wealthy attendees wish for an organic menu only for the “gourmet” value. We, of course, think the opposite. That viewpoint couldn’t be more wrong, and Wolfgang agrees with us! He said that “We try to be conscious, to be good to our environment. I think everybody these days knows organic vegetables and fruits are better for you and 99 percent better tasting.”

I’m sure the way he’ll prepare these organic fruits and vegetables will make them taste another 99 percent better! I, for one, was salivating at the prospect of trying his “’real California salad’ served with a puree base of celery, apples, lemons, and olive oil.” If only he would come over to San Francisco… But hey, if you’re feeling inspired, try and combine the produce in your next delivery box into a Governor’s Ball inspired delight!