Posted by & filed under Food Philosophy, fruit, organic, organic produce.

For those living under a rock and not even knowing what a kumquat is, Driscoll’s happens to be the quintessential California grower of berries, and for good reason — they have, in fact, been doing what they do for over 100 years. Hard to imagine? Sure, but when family’s involved, it’s not as far-fetched as you think.

Driscoll’s Is a Family-Owned Business, Starting With….

Joseph “Ed” Reiter and R.O. Driscoll himself made it all happen back in 1904, harvesting some Sweet Briar berries down in Cali’s Pajaro Valley. But what kind of berries, you ask? There are four of them:

  • Strawberries — You know these…. The fuzzy kind, with that sweet tart taste, teeming with antioxidants and packaged with love.
  • Raspberries — Juicy, luscious, fresh, organic, and wholesome. You like fiber? These little babies have plDriscoll'senty.
  • Blackberries — Some of the easiest suckers to pop in your mouth, and packed with a plethora of vitamins as well.
  • Blueberries — Last but not least, of course. Even easier to pop in the mouth, and just as packed with all the organic goodies you’d love from a primo fruit farm. Fun!

Of course, those aren’t the only berries from Driscoll’s. They mix it up with different colored versions of their berries and do beautiful combinations as well, highlighting recipes and encouraging the best of creations for the like-minded loving organic fruit. And a lot of these recipes are actually exclusive to Driscoll’s — as in, you won’t find it anywhere else.

So Check out Driscoll’s for Yourself Right Now

Like we’ve mentioned: they’ve been around for more than a century, and Driscoll’s isn’t alone in the California organic farm community either. That’s a pretty long time to be harvesting fruit. So they’re not going anywhere. But you might as well not wait around and explore their site right now. Trust us: there’s a strawberry somewhere there with your name on it.