Who knew that you should be selective when pickling cucumbers? As if there were certain secrets to effective pickling, right? The truth is this: the process is easy, but the product needs to be the best for it to have a lasting effect on you. Taste, seasoning, longevity: sometimes when you make your own pickles,… Read more »
Posts Categorized: tips & tricks
Making the Best Brine for Pickling 101: Seasonings and More
Ever noticed how those grocery store jarred pickles can come in a variety of flavors? That’s no accident. Pickling is a versatile way to inject flavor into your favorite cucumbers. However…. You have to be a bit careful with what you try to do for several reasons. There are some mainstays for the type of… Read more »
Pickle Processing IS a Thing You Can Do at Home
It’s a choice, though — or, better yet, an option out of the steps to take in pickling cucumbers. How to make pickles is easy when you get the hang of of it, but if you want to store your jarred pickles and have them last a long time, PROCESSING is the way to do it. The… Read more »
Here’s Why Cal-Organic Farms Feels Good for You
You might’ve already seen a decent listing of California organic farms right here. If that’s the case, more power to you, but perhaps you’d like a little more depth in one of the oldest farms in California supporting sustainability, freshness and reputation for organic foods, and that’s this little place: They’re Called Cal-Organic Farms And… Read more »
The Shocking Differences Between Non-GMO and True Organic
Don’t be fooled: organic’s still king of nutrition as far as we’re concerned. Why? Because labels don’t tell you everything, and as it stands, in this food industry, the subject of “non-GMOs” has been hitting the airwaves like a ton of bricks (for the most part, positive bricks) thinking that they’re a great alternative to… Read more »
Free Lunches and Miracles
We’ve all heard it a million times: there’s no such thing as a free lunch. It’s a maxim that diet conscious folks and processed food giants alike have been trying to disprove — or at least circumvent — for decades. Some of the biggest commercial experiments in having your cake and eating it too have… Read more »
Well-Traveled Produce
When I made plans to go camping last weekend, I also planned to skip my Friday organic produce box delivery — because who wants a fridge full of fresh produce when you’re a hundred miles away, floating on a blow-up raft and lazily admiring your lakeside campsite? I logged in to my account and was… Read more »
Keepin’ It Fresh
I stopped by the new Golden Gate Organics office on 50th Ave in Oaktown the other day to check out the new digs and catch up with Corey, and after a fun visit he sent me home with an armload of grocery products to try. I’ll be… Read more »
Greens, Eggs, and Ham
When I was a kid, poached eggs on toast was a favorite breakfast that I only got when Dad took over cooking duties because Mom was sick or had slept unusually late. His entire morning culinary repertoire consisted of either poached eggs or French toast, and when… Read more »
A Winner for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner
I had lunch the other day with my friend Claude, who is French and grew up in Algeria. She’s a fantastic cook, to say the least, and one amazing smell or other is always wafting from her kitchen. Claude has taught me to make some of my favorite dishes (Afghan meatballs! Marengo cavour! ), so… Read more »