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Organic Gold Nugget mandarins from Homegrown Organic Farms

Every week Golden Gate Organics works with the most local organic farms available to source their best breaking fruits and veggies ready for harvest. We then curate a weekly seasonal selection of the best organic fruits and vegetables available for our mindful customers. This is our report about this week’s seasonal local produce availability to our residential and business customers in the Bay Area for the week of March 16-20 2020.

Organic Fruit Report

I’ve noticed a trend for smaller organic fruits recently. I think this may be due to the lack of rain all around California. However, the fruits we have been receiving taste as great as ever. For example, the Tango Mandarins from Homegrown Organic Farms this week are super sweet and easy to peel. They have that premier mandarin taste that just makes you close your eyes and smile when you take a bite. So juicy.

Organic Fruit TIP: Keep your fruit in the fridge and don’t take it out until the morning of the day you want to eat it. This will keep it super fresh and flavorful. You always want to eat your fruit and veggies when they are at room temperature so plan accordingly. Golden Gate Organics produce is always refrigerated which is just one of the reasons it is always so fresh. Always feel free to contact us for tips and tricks on storage, handling, preparation, and recipes. It’s what we love to do.

Other premium fruits this week are the Honey Crisp apples from Cascade in Washington, Hass avocados from Eco Farms in the San Diego Hills, Blueberries from Forbidden fruit orchards, and Cara Cara oranges grown near Fresno.

Office Fruit Boxes

The office fruit boxes this week are the best ones we’ve had in a long time, in my opinion. Fair Trade Bananas from Equal Exchange, Honey Crisp Apples, Cara Cara oranges, and some freshly harvested Bartlett Pears just arrived from Argentina. These are the highest quality fruits right now and the cornerstone of a premier health and wellness program for your employees and staff. Check out this link to learn some benefits of having fresh organic fruit delivered to your office.

Interested in learning about organic fruit deliveries as the cornerstone to your businesses health and wellness program? Contact us here!

Organic Veggie Report

The selection of vegetables right now is pretty nice. The bunched broccoli from Josie’s Organics in Watsonville is beautiful. Add some to a salad or design a beautiful dinner around it. The purple fair trade brussels sprouts from Covili organics were a huge hit last week. Supply is very limited this week though. Local Tomatero Celery is as good as it gets. Share some with a friend or family member and watch them be amazed at just how flavorful celery can be. Fresh garlic is available this week in 3oz retail packs from Christopher Ranch. They usually have 3 big bulbs in them. Local asparagus from Coastal View Produce is abundant right now. Not sure prices will be much lower this year. We have the standard size which is not too thick and not too thin. Let us know which you prefer!

Be well and thank you for helping Golden Gate Organics support local organic farms. Follow us on Instagram!

With Organic Love,

Corey & The amazing GGO Team